Urs Leimgruber
Jacques Demierre
Barre Phillips
Spontaneous, direct, together. Without any preparation, conferring, or planning.Faced with the same challenge as on the very first day they met – sculpting sounds in an empty room. All these three musicians can contribute is their decades of experience in free improvisation and their own personal styles of musical expression – no more no less.
[…] All three musicians have unlocked a whole new dimension of their instruments and it is this that gives them their unmistakable sound. Every time they get together, their music is simultaneously reinvented and carried forward. At that point their musical styles either become more densely interwoven or evaporate until verging on silence.
[…] « We play what we hear », says Leimgruber. Playing as hearing involves engaging in a situation with extreme sensitivity, moving beyond the self and transcending the instrument’s conventional sound. The instruments themselves are the means – the medium through which experience is rendered playable and audible. […] Bert Noglik
01 ALBEIT 14:20
02 TIEBLA 05:21
03 EATLIB 08:57
04 ITABLE 06:00
05 BALETI 07:34
06 ETABLI 06:43
07 ABTEIL 04:37
08 ILBEAT 17:48
Recorded/mastered in 2008 by Gérard de Haro and Nicolas Baillard at the studio La Buissonne, Pernes-Les-Fontaines, France
Released by jazzwerkstatt, 2009